Omnipotweet helps brands Tweet Almighty

Too often, brands approach Twitter like that guy at the party passing out business cards. If Facebook is about personal content curation, Twitter is about being in the moment. Twitter is a glib comment, a side joke, a sudden observation. That's the magic of Twitter.

Q: How are Twitter and Television entwined?

Nearly half of smartphone owners (46%) and tablet owners (43%) said they use their devices as second screens while watching TV every day. Of those “Second Screen” viewers, 52% are visiting social media sites.

Tweeting when your consumers are tweeting is to Tweet Almighty

Every day, something happens that draws people together to create huge conversations. This is called a Twitter Event – examples include the Super Bowl, a presidential election or the season premier of The Walking DeadYou live Tweet because real life doesn’t stick to a script. But that doesn’t mean you arrive to the party cold.

For example, you know that the Super Bowl will have a big halftime show, you’ll know who is playing, and you’ll even know who’s announcing the game. By doing your homework, you can create an Event Outline that can walk you through the party.

For example, let’s say you want to Live Tweet The Walking Dead:

  • Know the main characters (Grimes, Carl, Maggie)

  • Predict what you’ll likely see (zombies, carnage)

  • Study the storyline (this season, the gang is looking for new sanctuary)

  • Learn the lingo and memes (“walkers,” “everybody hates Carl,” “Stay calm and get behind Daryl”)

  • Remember your hashtags (#TheWalkingDead)

Now you can write a bank of prefabricated Tweets that are ready to go.

So why live tweet when you can pre-tweet?

Twitter users want genuine, two-way dialogue. They know when you’re trying to hijack a conversation. And they don’t appreciate it. When you live-tweet, you are taking the same conversational risks as your consumers.

That makes you one of them.

We can help you Tweet Almighty. Give us a call at 501.747-3973.





